Great star cloud in Sagittarius, E.E., Barnard, 1905, June 29 centre of plate, R.A., 17h 56m. decl, -28 degree exposure, 4hr. 53m enlarged 1.9 times, 10-inch Bruce doublet of the Yerkes Observatory Hooker expedition to Mount Wilson, California Great star cloud in Sagittarius 1905
Positive transparency on film, size 8" x 10", Solar Corona, 1900, May 28, Wadesboro, N. Carolina, E.E. Barnard, Yerkes Expedition Positive transparency on film 1900
Glass positive:- E.E. Barnard, Mount Wilson Observatory, 1911, November 19, 60-inch Reflector, equivalent focal length, 100ft Glass positive:- E.E. Barnard 1911
Enlarged photographs of the planet Mars, E.E. Barnard, Yerkes Observatory, 1909, September 24th, 16h. 55m. G.M.T. 40-inch refractor, exposure, 4 sec, to 5 sec, Yellow colour screen Enlarged photographs of the planet Mars 1909
Meteor Trail and Comet 1893 IV (Brooks); E.E. Barnard, Lick Observatory; 1893, November 13; 6-inch Willard lens. Focal length, 31in; Exposure, 2 h. 5 . Meteor Trail and Comet 1893 IV (Brooks); E.E. Barnard 1893